The six-part show from “Peaky Blinders” creator Steven Knight, which has officially wrapped up filming in the UK and Morocco, is based on Ben Macintyre’s novel of the same name and tells the true events of the formation of the Special Air Service, the British special forces unit during that great conflict.
Directed by Tom Shankland, it is described as a dramatized account of “how the world’s greatest Special Forces unit, the SAS, was formed under extraordinary circumstances in the darkest days of World War II.”
The cast also includes Egyptian star Amir El-Masry. The actor is a two-time BAFTA nominee who made his film debut in Egyptian cinema, following advice given to him by screen legend Omar Sharif.
Boutella and El-Masry star alongside “Sex Education” actor Connor Swindells, “Skins” star Jack O’Connell, Dominic West, who will appear in the newest season of “The Crown,” “Game of Thrones” star Alfie Allen, and English actor Tom Glynn-Carney.
The 30-second clip, launched by the BBC this week, opens with a voiceover. “We are a band of oddities, gentlemen, and pirates,” while setting the scene in Cairo, in 1941.
In the trailer, we can see hints of fights, explosions and romance in addition to glimpses of several of the high-profile cast.
It will air on BBC One and BBC iPlayer in 2022.