1346 Edward III of England besieges Calais
1378 Massacre of the Ciompi revolutionary cloth workers at Florence.
1423 Battle of Cravant: French defeated by the Anglo-Burgundians
1449 Guelf insurrection at Florence.
1546 Battle of Ingolstadt: Imperialists defeat the Schamlkaldic League
1642 Venice, Tuscany, Parma, & Modena form an alliance against Pope Urban VIII, to restore Odoardo Farnese to the Duchy of Castro
1644 Battle of Fowey: Cornish Royalists defeat the Parliamentarians
1778 British troops kill 17 Stockbridge Indians in the Bronx
1864 Atlanta Campaign: Battle of Jonesborough
1900 British troops capture Johannesburg
1907 England, Russia, & France form the Triple Entente
1915 Bersaglieri reservist Benito Mussolini is called up for active duty, and by Sept. 2nd is at the front with the 8th Company of the 11th Bersaglieri
1923 Italian troops occupy Corfu
1935 "Shock Worker" Aleksei Stakhanov (1903-1977), allegedly digs 102 tons in 6 hours, at the Central Irmino Coal Mine
1935 FDR signs an act prohibiting export of US arms to belligerents
1940 "Free Netherlands," an underground resistance newspaper, begins publication, while the German occupiers initiate soap rationing
1942 Santa Cruz I.: USS 'Saratoga' (CV-3) torpedoed by Japanese sub 'I-26'
1943 Aussie 9th Div sails from Milne Bay for landing near Lae, NE New Guinea.
1943 Japanese occupiers intern Jewish Congregation of Sorabaya
1943 U.S. troops occupy Baker I, Central Pacific.
1944 Allied offensive against the Gothic Line in Italy
1944 Chinese forces in north Burma and south China approach linkup
1944 MacArthur declares declares Noemfoor secured; fighting continues.
1949 The 83rd - and last - GAR encampment, attended by 6 of the 14 remaining members
1991 Kyrgyzistan declares independence from the USSR
1994 The last Russian troops in Germany are withdrawn